Eddie Punch

General Election Candidate for Clare

Independent Ireland is proud to announce that Eddie Punch will represent the party as a candidate for the Clare constituency in the upcoming general election. With a long and distinguished career advocating for farmers and rural communities, Eddie Punch brings a wealth of experience and a commitment to deliver for the people of Clare.

Eddie Punch, who garnered significant support in the recent European elections, is dedicated to ensuring fair play for Clare and advocating for balanced regional development. He is particularly concerned about the marginalisation of Shannon Airport in favour of Dublin Airport, which he sees as detrimental to tourism and economic growth on the west coast.

"Of the 39 million passengers handled by Irish airports in 2023, 85% went through Dublin and just 5% through Shannon. This imbalance is devastating for tourism in Clare and the west of Ireland. We need strong voices in the Dáil to challenge the mindset that 'Dublin is all that matters'," said Punch.

Punch also expressed concerns about the overuse of hotel accommodations in Clare for refugees, arguing that this practice harms local businesses that rely on tourism. Additionally, he criticised the Ennis 2040 vision for its lack of consideration for the needs of local businesses, and he voiced skepticism about certain climate policies that he believes are impractical for rural Ireland.  Punch stated that he is not against sensible win/win proposals for climate and environment but he feels that much of what is being driven by the current government is off the charts and makes no sense. 

“We have spent the last few years with carbon tax being progressively hiked, being told to use public transport and in the past few weeks parents are exhausted fighting to retain a decent school bus service in Sixmilebridge, Cratloe and Newmarket on Fergus. There is a feeling that the government is focused on trying to fix the world's problems, but cannot deliver something as simple as a bus service for school children, we return our focus on getting these important things right for parents and families and that is what I intend to do "  

Commenting on the challenges faced by the farming community Punch said  “The farming community is at their wits end with threats to end the nitrates derogation and cut the national herd. Farmers in Clare, like the rest of Ireland, are sick and tired of being led up and down the hill. They can’t plan for the future. If elected, I will not be found wanting in standing up for Irish farming, and for our food sector. It makes no sense to cut back Irish quality food systems and import food from outside the EU.”

Eddie Punch has a proven track record of advocating for farmers and rural issues, having served as Secretary General of the Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers Association for over 25 years. He has represented the farming community in numerous national forums, including the National Economic and Social Council (NESC) and the National Economic Dialogue.

Party Leader Michael Collins praised Eddie Punch's candidacy, stating, "Eddie Punch is a passionate advocate for rural Ireland. His deep knowledge of agriculture and his commitment to balanced regional development make him an outstanding candidate for Clare. Eddie understands the challenges facing our farmers and rural communities, and he will be a tireless champion for their needs in the Dáil."

TD Michael Fitzmaurice, also expressed strong support for Punch, adding, "Eddie Punch knows firsthand the struggles of rural life and the farming community. He has been on the front lines, advocating for fair treatment and sensible policies. His experience and dedication will be invaluable in fighting for the interests of Clare and ensuring that the voices of rural Ireland are heard.  We are delighted to have a candidate of his calibre on board for the upcoming General Election and we have confidence that he will make a fantastic TD.  I am confident that the people of Co. Clare will get behind Eddie Punch and return a strong, common sense, candidate for Clare"

General Secretary Richard O'Donoghue echoed his colleagues in his strong praise for Eddie Punch: "I have been massively impressed with Eddie for a long time, his advocacy for the agricultural sector and rural Ireland in general has been phenomenal.  He understands the issues people face and understands what needs to be done to address those issues.  He is a man of integrity and common sense principles that we are delighted to have on board for the General Election."

"I am running to give the people of Clare a choice—a choice for sensible change," Punch stated. "Our country has been run based on Dublin demands and Green politics for too long. It's time to bring balance and accountability back to government, with a focus on the needs of all citizens, especially those in rural areas."

Eddie Punch lives in Cratloe, where he runs a cattle and suckler farm. He holds an Honours Degree in European Studies from the University of Limerick and recently completed a Masters in Business Practice from the Irish Management Institute and UCC.

Contact Eddie Punch

Email: eddiepunch01@gmail.com

Social Media Links: Twitter, Facebook