More Government Contradictions - “Hate Speech” Legislation Needs to be Scrapped Once and For All.

Independent Ireland Leader Michael Collins TD has once again called for the proposed “Hate Speech” legislation to be scrapped pointing to the recent contradictions within Government on the justification for Hate speech legislation. This week, Taoiseach Simon Harris directly contradicted a previous assertion by the Minister for Justice on incitement legislation.

"The proposed "Hate speech" legislation is a solution in search of a problem, reflecting a lack of common sense within the government. The existing legal framework already provides ample protection against incitement to violence or hatred. We must ensure that any new laws genuinely address gaps in our legal system rather than creating unnecessary restrictions on free speech."  Said Leader Michael Collins TD.  "The legislation needs to be scrapped once and for all" 

Indpendent Ireland

The party of common sense, the clear choice for real change.

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