Community Healthcare Waiting Lists Exceed 230,000 Increase of Over 50%

Independent Ireland TD Michael Fitzmaurice has strongly criticized the government for its failure to adequately staff the Health Service Executive (HSE), highlighting the significant issues in recruitment and retention due to the ongoing housing affordability crisis. Fitzmaurice emphasized that these systemic failures are contributing to the growing waiting lists and driving emigration among doctors and nurses.

Recent data reveals that waiting lists for community healthcare have surged by over 50% in the past five years. There were 233,766 people on waiting lists for assessments or community services in May 2024, up from 148,697 in May 2019.

Fitzmaurice said. “The government’s response to healthcare challenges has been wholly inadequate and has failed to address the root causes of these problems,” he said. “The recent recruitment embargo and cap on recruitment while numbers on waiting lists continue to increase clearly illustrate the failures of the Minister for Health and the Government.”

Fitzmaurice also highlighted the impact of the housing crisis on the healthcare sector. “The affordability of housing is a critical factor in the recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals. Many doctors and nurses are emigrating because they cannot afford to live in Ireland. This is a direct result of the government's failure to address the housing crisis.”

Independent Ireland plans to address these issues in detail in its upcoming healthcare and housing policy documents. “We are committed to implementing policies that will ensure the HSE is adequately staffed, address the housing affordability crisis, and ultimately improve healthcare outcomes for all Irish citizens,” 

 “At a time when our healthcare system is in dire need of qualified professionals, the government's senseless policies on housing and recruitment are driving our doctors and nurses away. We need to prioritize affordable housing and proper staffing to keep our healthcare system functioning effectively.” Fitzmaurice concluded.

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