O’Flynn Calls for Urgent Action on Emergency Vehicle Access, Criticizes Green Minister Eamon Ryan’s Policies

Cork City Council member and Spokesperson on Urban Affairs, Ken O’Flynn, has announced a motion to modify the Cork City Development Plan, aimed at ensuring proper emergency vehicle access in residential estates across the city, This move addresses a growing concern about the safety and well-being of Cork’s residents, particularly in emergencies.

O’Flynn also criticized a policy introduced by Green Party Minister Eamon Ryan, which aimed to preserve green spaces by prohibiting their use for additional parking. "While preserving green areas is a noble goal, it’s a classic case of the Greens yet again, putting theory over practicality, it's yet another example of a green policy that does not work in the real world" O’Flynn stated. "Without the support of adequate transport infrastructure, such policies are as useful as a chocolate teapot. Lofty ideas are all well and good, but common sense must prevail. Health and safety considerations must be our top priority, and we must ensure the dignity and safety of our citizens."

Ken O’Flynn expressed deep concern over the difficulties residents have faced in accessing vital emergency services due to inadequate parking regulations in many estates. "I’ve been contacted by residents from numerous estates who have experienced significant challenges in getting fire services and ambulances to their homes. This is especially troubling for our elderly and infirm residents," said O’Flynn. "I’ve personally witnessed the distress caused when ambulances struggle to navigate narrow, obstructed pathways. This is a serious issue that demands immediate attention."

The proposed motion by Ken O’Flynn seeks to address these urgent issues by modifying the Cork City Development Plan to prioritize emergency vehicle access in all residential estates and has contacted Independent Ireland TDs to raise the issue at the national level "It is unacceptable that the safety of our citizens is being compromised due to infrastructural oversights," O’Flynn added. "Emergency services must have unfettered access to all areas of our community. This motion is a necessary step to ensure that our development plans reflect the needs of our residents."

O’Flynn is calling on his fellow council members to support the motion and work together to make Cork a safer and more accessible city for all its residents. "We cannot afford to delay action on this critical issue. The safety of our community depends on it," O’Flynn concluded.

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