Richard O Donoghue TD announces plans for General Election manifesto 

Following a meeting of elected members in Leinster House this week. Independent Ireland General Secretary announced the finalisation of the Party's General election manifesto that aims to address the key issues impacting the lives of hard-working people across Ireland.

Deputy O’Donoghue TD, General Secretary of Independent Ireland highlighted the core areas of public policy that the manifesto will focus on. “Housing, health, agriculture, immigration, taxation, law and order, and infrastructure are the issues that most significantly affect the daily lives of ordinary people in this country,” he stated.

O'Donoghue criticized the current Government's approach over the past four years, accusing them of diverting attention from their public policy failures by focusing on peripheral social issues. “While these issues are extremely important to the minorities they affect, they are not on the radar of the majority of people in this country, as illustrated in the recent referenda,” he said.

“Yes, these issues have their place and need to be addressed, but it is infuriating to me and my colleagues in Independent Ireland to watch the Government suggest these are the main issues that need addressing when that is clearly not the case. 

We have a health service that is crumbling under the weight of incompetence and bureaucracy; an immigration policy that may well bankrupt the country and is causing division and serious concerns for people all over Ireland; a housing policy that doesn’t deliver houses; an approach to environmental stewardship that sees people in Dublin and Brussels dictate to Irish farmers how to farm their land.”

O’Donoghue revealed that Independent Ireland has a comprehensive plan to tackle these issues head-on, which will be unveiled following their summer think-in. “We have a plan that, when implemented, will make Ireland a safer, freer, and more resilient country for generations to come. Our plan will save the squeezed middle from the crippling tax burden placed on them while providing solutions for an immigration crisis that is frankly, out of control.

Our plan will tackle government overspend and mismanagement, protect Rural Ireland, sustain Urban Ireland, and work to make life easier for people to live their lives, we will support small businesses, tackle over-regulation and address the carbon taxes that are putting further pressures on the hard working people of middle Ireland"

Indpendent Ireland

The party of common sense, the clear choice for real change.

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