Independent Ireland Statement on a week of “Wild Speculation”

Independent Ireland strikes influential deal in Europe, as Mullooly officially joins the EDP

Party General Secretary and TD Richard O’Donoghue: “The Government, for the last four years, has tried to distract the people of Ireland from the massive failings in their public policy decisions by directing attention toward peripheral social issues which while extremely important to the minorities they affect, are not affecting or even on the radar of the majority of people in this country. As illustrated in the recent referenda.”

Today, Independent Ireland officially confirmed that their newly elected MEP, Ciaran Mullooly, is on track to play a massively influential role in the next European Parliament.

Throughout his campaign, MEP Mullooly regularly stated that he hoped to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of European Agriculture Policy and Regional Development Policy. Mullooly, the Independent Ireland Spokesperson on European Affairs and Regional Development, said: “I never had any intention of sitting in the parliament for the next five years and having no influence or input into the key issues affecting particularly my constituency of Midlands-North-West, but also Ireland in general.

“That is why for the last three weeks my team and I have been in Brussels negotiating with several parties and groupings to get the position of greatest influence possible on both the Agriculture and REGI (Regional Development) committees. 

“After initial consultations with like-minded colleagues in the European Democratic Party (EDP). We have now forged a strong link with the EDP’s nine sitting MEPs from across Europe who will be sitting with us in the Renew Group and who listened to my vision for agriculture and in particular on the key issue of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

Speaking on Tuesday MEP Mullooly said: “We have concluded negotiations with members of various groupings within the European Parliament.

“We are satisfied that the agreement reached will deliver membership and influence on key committees where we will have significant influence on forthcoming EU Legislation on major rural development and agricultural issues.

“Membership of the committees will be formally agreed upon at the Plenary meeting of the European Parliament on July 17th, 2024 and announced the following day by the parliament.

"We greatly appreciate the efforts and support of the European Democratic Party and their nine other MEPs.

The European Democratic Party is the centrist member party of the Renew Europe Group, one of the larger and more influential groups sitting in the European Parliament: “At all stages in the election campaign, I set out my fervent wish to attain membership of key European Parliament committees and play a full and pivotal role in the term of the next parliament. I am very grateful to have now set the course for this objective.

Former Independent MEPs from Ireland who were members of the Renew group, which is the umbrella grouping of which the European Democratic Party is a member, include former MEP Marian Harkin TD, Pat Cox and TJ Maher. Former MEP Pat Cox was also a President of the European Parliament during his tenure.

Party announcement 

"We will not be drawn into culture war nonsense that does little but divide and distract from the real issues that cause concerns for the majority of people in Ireland"

The last week has seen a tirade of online abuse directed at Independent Ireland and its three TDs following the news breaking last week that Mullooly had been endorsed by the European Democratic Party as the “unanimous choice of the party MEPs at the European Parliament to lead that party’s agriculture portfolio in the next parliament as the crucial discussions on CAP begin.”

It had widely been expected that if the self-styled ‘centre-right’ political party, Independent Ireland elected an MEP, the Party would join the conservative grouping of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR). Early in his campaign and immediately following his election Mullooly said he would speak to all groupings but felt he would be more at home in a centrist political party and ruled out the possibility of him joining the ECR, so it came as no great shock to those who understand how European politics works that Mullooly aligned with the European Democratic Party.

Part of the Renew Europe Group, the European Democratic Party is one of the most influential political parties in the European Parliament. The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) is the other European Political Party in the Renew Europe Group. 

Last week, newly elected Independent MEP for Ireland South, Michael McNamara joined the Renew group and hopes to develop a good working relationship with MEP McNamara within the group: “I hope to work well with MEP McNamara within the Renew Europe Group for the overall betterment of Ireland and Europe over the next five years.”

During his campaign, MEP McNamara was endorsed by Independent TD Mattie McGrath, a conservative standard bearer in Dáil Éireann, during his election campaign and Deputy McGrath’s daughter is MEP McNamara’s first alternate should he choose to leave the parliament.

Leader of Independent Ireland, Michael Collins TD said: “MEP Mullooly and his team have worked tirelessly to get the best deal possible for his constituency and Ireland. As a party of Independent and free-thinkers that does not operate a strict whip system, it has been a tough week, with all sorts of wild speculation that Independent Ireland was suddenly somehow going to be supporting all sorts of things such as woke ideology and mass migration and the likes. That was never going to be the case and anyone who knows us knew that.

"Look at our voting records on the EU Migration Pact and the Hate Speech Legislation. We were also one of the only parties to advocate a No/No vote in the recent referenda. 

“It's actually quite laughable that a news article circulated on social media last week that suggested Independent Ireland, the Party of Common Sense, was suddenly, by the transitive property of being a member of the European Democratic Party, going to be supporting silly stuff like gender ideology and car-free streets. We certainly won't be supporting any EU defence pacts. I mean seriously, I don't for one second think people believed we were going to support this kind of stuff. Does any of that sound like common sense to you. We are the party of common sense, not a party that supports woke ideology.

“The news outlets and sideline commentators that perpetuated these disingenuous falsehoods had ulterior motives, but look, that’s politics, the people in our party have, by their very nature, a thick skin and the ability and freedom to think for themselves and make their own choices, that is what makes Independent Ireland different to other political parties. We welcome dissenting voices, we welcome dialogue and debate, and at every opportunity we will choose unity over division. Because united we stand a chance but divided we will most likely fall.

General Secretary of Independent Ireland, Richard O’Donoghue TD said: “Independent Ireland is, and was always, a party of free and independent people who were going to come together and agree on the core issues that impact the lives of Irish people such as taxation, housing, migration, health, agriculture, regional development, infrastructure and transport.”

“We are not a party that is going to bow to external pressure by people and organisations that fear our new brand of cohesive but independent politics. Nor will we be out-boxed by domestic political rivals here in Ireland, who have used every dirty trick in the book to try to stop Independent Ireland from gaining influence in the European Parliament.

“In simple terms, many other Irish MEPs in the European Parliament didn’t want a fox in the henhouse, but now we’re in and we are going to fight tooth and nail for the people of Ireland on the European stage, and there is no better man than Ciaran Mulloolly to handle the briefs he has negotiated.

“It is very easy for hurlers on the ditch to disingenuously sling mud at a new party that is growing at a rate like no other party in recent Irish history. We do not and never were going to agree on everything but one thing is for certain, we are punching well above our weight in Europe and the decisions made by MEP Mullooly in conjunction with Independent Ireland over the last week have been key in ensuring that we can exert real influence over European policy-making that is going to have a profound effect on the future of this country."

Ulterior motives

Independent Ireland and its three TDs have been subjected to a torrent of abuse on social media from commentators who felt the party had “betrayed its base” by aligning with the Renew Group as opposed to the ECR. An accusation robustly rejected by the Party.

A spokesperson for Independent Ireland explained: “In Europe, making friends and influencing people is the name of the game. Being ‘unattached’ isn't an option for an MEP who wants to get things done and deliver real change. 

“That is as opposed to simply criticising those brave enough to roll up their sleeves and get down to the business of legislating, which for anyone who is still in doubt, is what MEPs are elected and paid to do.

“We roundly reject that aligning with the European Democratic Party is a betrayal of our base and our domestic policy decisions will clearly illustrate that in the fullness of time.

“Independent Ireland is a party with a mission. That mission is to ensure common sense prevails on all issues. Some of those who have pre-emptively judged the Party’s decision to align with the European Democratic Party would be wise to remember that when ideology gets in the way, common sense goes out the window. And common sense is what we are about; it is not about making easy decisions, but the right decisions for our constituencies and our country.”

“So, to those who have spent the week attacking the party and our elected representatives, know this: Independent Ireland is never going to be pulled to the extreme ideological positions on any side of the political divide.”

“But thankfully we are a united and robust party that is going to deliver common sense change for this country. We are not a reactionary group of disjointed independents who will fold under pressure.


On Sunday morning, the Chairperson of Independent Ireland, Elaine Mullally, resigned from her position in the Party saying on X (formerly Twitter): “I was proud to be part of Independent Ireland, where we attracted passionate and committed candidates in the recent Local Elections. These individuals are genuine and dedicated to bringing transparency and change to their local areas, and I commend their efforts.

“I have made the difficult decision to step away from Independent Ireland, as it no longer aligns with my values and principles. This was not an easy choice, but it is necessary for me to stay true to what I believe in.”

Commenting on the departure of Mrs Mullally from her position, Leader of Independent Ireland, Michael Collins TD said: “On a personal level, I am very sad to see the departure of Mrs Mullally from the party but I respect her decision and admire her resolve.

“Mrs Mullally has been a key player in founding and establishing this party and she will always be welcome home should she ever wish to return. I and everyone in Independent Ireland have the height of respect for Mrs Mullally and thank her for her trojan efforts in contributing to our recent electoral success which saw us elect 23 councillors and one MEP.

“We have this morning appointed Cllr Ken O’Flynn as the new interim chairperson and we hope that following a meeting of elected representatives this morning we will begin building party branches over the coming months.”

General Election

Independent Ireland has indicated that their General Election manifesto will be one of the most “common sense-centred” election manifestos in recent history.

According to the fast-growing political party, their manifesto will focus on addressing the key issues that affect the lives of the hard-working people of Ireland. General Secretary of the Party, Richard O’Donoghue TD said: “Housing; health; agriculture, immigration; taxation; law and order, and infrastructure are the core areas of public policy that have the most impact on the lives of ordinary people in this country.

“The Government, for the last four years, has tried to distract the people of Ireland from the massive failings in their public policy decisions by directing attention toward peripheral social issues which while extremely important to the minorities they affect, are not affecting or even on the radar of the majority of people in this country. As illustrated in the recent referenda.

“Yes, these issues have their place and need to be addressed but it is infuriating to me and my colleagues in Independent Ireland to watch the Government suggest these are the main issues that need addressing when that is simply not the case.

“We have a health service that is crumbling under the weight of incompetence and bureaucracy; an immigration policy that will bankrupt the country; a housing policy that doesn’t deliver houses; an approach to environmental stewardship that sees socialites in Dublin and Brussels dictate to Irish farmers how to farm their land; an infrastructure policy that is all but closing down Rural Ireland and placing immense pressure on urban areas, and the Government thinks they can spin-doctor their way around these issues. Well, they can’t, and if Independent Ireland has anything to do with it they won’t for much longer.

“We have a plan, which will be revealed following our summer think-in, that will tackle these issues head-on. We have a plan that when implemented will make Ireland a more safe, more free, and more resilient country for generations to come.

"Our plan will save the squeezed middle from the crippling tax burden placed on them to line the pockets of a cosy cartel of global businesses. Our plan will protect Rural Ireland, sustain Urban Ireland, and make it just a little bit easier for people to live their lives without the boot of big Government bearing down on them relentlessly.”

Indpendent Ireland

The party of common sense, the clear choice for real change.

Cllr Ken O'Flynn Appointed Interim Chairperson of Independent Ireland


Independent Ireland TDs reject EU Migration Pact; call for referendum.