Cllr Tommy Hartigan


Cllr Tommy Hartigan

Cllr Tommy Hartigan was one of two councillors elected in the Adare Rathkeale LEA in 2024. Hartigan, a passionate advocate for rural Ireland and his local community, brings a fresh perspective and a commitment to local politics in Limerick County.

His journey into politics is fueled by a desire to bridge the gap between politicians and the people they serve. Hartigan emphasises, "Politics isn't about suits and meetings; it's about you and me—the people who are affected by the decisions made. I feel that I have something to bring to you, the people of the district. I can't promise you much except my best. In my humble opinion, it's not about you or me; it's about us."

Hartigan's key areas of focus include protecting rural identity and tradition, creating local jobs and opportunities, supporting grassroots clubs and communities, and promoting sustainable actions regarding climate change and biodiversity. Additionally, he aims to improve infrastructure, particularly in areas of transportation, mental health, and services for both the young and elderly.

Phone: 089 2126730


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