MEP Mullooly Votes Against Von Der Leyen Re-Election

We applaud MEP Ciaran Mullooly’s vote against Ursula von der Leyen’s re-election as EU Commission President earlier today.  Ms. Von der Leyen’s championing of irresponsible green policies have done enormous harm to Irish farmers and fishermen while achieving precisely zero positive impact from a climate perspective.  Her economically unsound policies drove up fuel costs, which did not just increase the price of petrol, but helped cause the cost-of-living crisis through which we are now living.  

When the price of fuel increases, the trucks that deliver everything are more expensive to operate.  That is why bread, milk, eggs, and everything else is more expensive today than it was two years ago.  It is not due to natural economic factors; it is due to the irresponsible green policies that Ms. Von der Leyen supported. 

Again, we are thrilled to see MEP Mullooly standing up for Irish farmers, fishermen, and ordinary people.  The Irish people voted for Independent Ireland and Independent Ireland will fight for the Irish People in Europe.

Indpendent Ireland

The party of common sense, the clear choice for real change.

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