Mullooly tells EU Commissioner Bord na Móna workers have been left behind by Just Transition Process

Independent Ireland MEP Ciaran Mullooly has told the EU Commissioner who drew up the Just Transition Fund that hundreds of Bord na Móna workers in the midlands have been left behind the process.

Speaking at his first meeting of the Regional Develoment REGI committee in the European Parliament in Brussels, MEP Mullooly told Elisa Ferreira the Portuguese Commissioner responsible for cohesion funds and the EUJTF that the complexity of the application process had prevented hundreds of former workers on the bogs of Ireland from effectively applying for funds and supports to get replacement jobs .

“Workers who lost their jobs have not received a single euro “ Ciaran Mullooly said , “The funds application process  needs to be simplified. It needs to be pre-financed and we need to re-examine the state aid rules so that community groups in Longford, Roscommon, Laois, Offaly, Westmeath, Galway and Kildare can access the money they need to try and recreate jobs in their area.”

MEP Mullooly also said the agencies that administer EUJTF aid in Ireland must be given support to simplify the application process .

In response to his direct questions Conmissioner Ferreira denied that 40 Million euro had been unspent in the EUJTF funds process but confirmed that less that less that 25 per cent of the 20 Billion euro fund had actually been drawn down in European countries.

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