O’Donoghue: “Range of Supports Will Address Continuing Trend Of Garda Resignations”

O’Donoghue addresses growing trend of Garda resignations from the force.

Independent Ireland General Secretary Richard O'Donoghue has committed to enhancing the support of our frontline service providers.  Commenting on figures released this week that 110 officers have resigned so far this year. That comes after 109 quit in 2022 and a massive 164 resigned last year. It’s now feared that the full 2024 number of resignations may exceed the figures for 2023 – which itself was a record. As the party prepares to unveil a comprehensive policy package designed to address the critical challenges faced by members of An Garda Síochána, as well as our firefighters and healthcare professionals.

O'Donoghue highlighted the urgency of these measures in light of the alarming trend of Garda resignations, which have exceeded 100 for the third consecutive year. He stated:

"The escalating number of Gardaí resigning from the force is a stark indicator of a system under immense strain. Our frontline officers are the backbone of public safety, and their increasing departure points to deep-rooted issues that demand immediate attention. Independent Ireland is committed to ensuring that these vital service providers receive the support they need to thrive in their roles and to continue serving our communities."

In addition to Gardaí, Independent Ireland's policy extends to our firefighters and healthcare workers. These professionals, like our Gardaí, face immense pressures and challenges in their daily duties. Our policy will include similar support structures, ensuring they too receive the necessary resources, financial incentives, and career development opportunities to sustain their crucial work.

"We owe it to those who protect and care for us to provide them with the best possible working conditions. Independent Ireland's policies are designed to make these careers not just viable but rewarding, ensuring that our frontline workers are supported, valued, and empowered to continue their vital service to society," O'Donoghue added.

Independent Ireland stands firmly behind our Gardaí, firefighters, and healthcare workers, recognizing their indispensable role in maintaining the safety, health, and wellbeing of our communities. Through these targeted policies, we aim to foster a stronger, more resilient workforce, dedicated to serving our citizens and being well rewarded for doing so.

Indpendent Ireland

The party of common sense, the clear choice for real change.


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