99% of failed asylum applicants still in Ireland - Govt. continues to gaslight concerned citizens

Spokesperson for Urban Affairs Cllr Ken O'Flynn has harshly criticised the government following recent figures that reveal 99% of rejected asylum applicants remain in Ireland.

O'Flynn today criticized the Irish Government for its failure to adequately manage the deportation of international protection applicants who have been refused asylum. Recent figures reveal that just 31 out of 2,750 rejected applicants have been deported over the last five years.

Ken O'Flynn stated, "These numbers reflect a system that is not just inefficient but broken. The Government’s inability to enforce deportation orders or ensure compliance with the Dublin Regulations is a glaring example of this failure. At a time when our resources are stretched, we simply cannot afford to turn a blind eye to these issues.  We have a government and opposition that continues to gaslight people that raise concerns about an asylum system that is not working.  We must ask, if we have the legislation in place to deal with the issue, why are the laws not being enforced by the government ?"

O'Flynn also highlighted the ineffectiveness of the current inter-country transfer system under the Dublin Regulations, noting that only 1.1% of Ireland's requests to other EU countries for deportations were carried out. "This is unacceptable. The Department of Justice has admitted the system is not fit for purpose. We need a comprehensive reform and strict enforcement of our current asylum legislation, our general election manifesto will provide common sense solutions to the problems that the government and opposition are simply not addressing in any meaningful way"

Independent Ireland is calling for immediate action to rectify these issues and will continue to hold the Government accountable for the failures in the asylum system. 

Indpendent Ireland

The party of common sense, the clear choice for real change.


Cllr Linda de Courcy Criticises South Dublin County Council Information Leaflet on Asylum Seekers


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