Forward Together.
Ar Aghaidh Le Chéile.
The Party of common sense, the clear choice for real change.
Our Parliamentary Team
Michael Fitzmaurice TD
Deputy Fitzmaurice has been a passionate and dedicated representative of Rural Ireland and the agricultural sector since his election to Dáil Éireann in 2014.
“My greatest Hope is that my children and yours will be free to build decent lives for themselves in Ireland, should they choose to do so. I am committed to doing everything in my power to make this “Hope” a reality.”
Michael Collins TD
Party Leader Michael Collins is passionate about community, healthcare and getting a better deal for ordinary working people, our farmers and fishermen. Since his election to Dáil Éireann in 2016 he has worked tirelessly for his constituents in West Cork, and as co-founder of Independent Ireland, he is bringing his extraordinary work ethic, drive and passion in leading a party that prioritises the people of Ireland and helps to improve the lives of our citizens.
Richard O'Donoghue TD
Deputy O’Donoghue has represented the people of Limerick County in Dáil Éireann since 2020. He is a proud father and grandfather that wants to help build a better Ireland for future generations. As Co-Founder of the party, Richard is motivated by the hope of a better future for our children. An Ireland where our families can live and work in the communities they were raised. “We need real change. We need common sense solutions. Independent Ireland will deliver both.”
Ken O'Flynn TD
Deputy Ken O’Flynn was elected to Leinster House in General Election 2024. With over 18 years of dedicated service on Cork City Council and a proven track record of his commitment to the people of Cork, Cllr O'Flynn brings a wealth of experience, leadership, and dedication to representing the community.As the Independent Ireland Chairperson and Spokesperson on Urban Affairs, Cllr O'Flynn has worked tirelessly to address the complex needs of both urban and rural communities.
Tackling Government Waste, Mismanagement and Overspend
Government spending of €11.4 Billion of taxpayers’ money on just four areas:
Non-Governmental Organisations
€6.2 billion per annum/€3,332 per household
Ukraine Funding
€2.5 billion for 2024/€1,344 per household
IPAS/Direct Provision/Foreign Aid
€1.2 billion per annum/€645 per household
HSE Overspend
€1.5 billion in 2023/€806 per household
The Irish government spends what equates to 10% of annual budget or €6,122 per household on projects that fail to prioritise the needs of the citizens of Ireland. We will reform spending and reallocate funding to areas that prioritise addressing the crises in housing, health and the cost of living. We will give back to the Irish taxpayer.
Independent Ireland is dedicated to tackling government mismanagement of taxpayer funds and reallocating funding to the areas the Irish taxpayers need it most. Tackling overspend and waste means improving the lives of the people of Ireland. While we recognise the many NGO’s in Ireland that provide vital services and support, we will work to radically reform this sector.
The Irish taxpayer funds over 33,000 NGO's, we will cut duplication of services, streamline the sector and overhaul non-essential NGO funding.
“Our goal is to deliver real change for the people of Ireland. We are a party that puts our people first. By delivering on a program of reform and common sense solutions, together, we can build a better future for everyone”
Putting People First
We will implement urgent planning reform, emergency modular homes schemes and bring an end to families living in emergency accommodation.
We will freeze and reform the Carbon Tax, end the Property Tax and USC for over 65s and deliver cheaper energy by securing Ireland's energy independence.
We will secure Ireland's borders by enforcing our immigration laws and end profiteering by vested interests at the expense of the Irish taxpayer.
We fully support farmers and fishermen by protecting them from EU regulations and unattainable targets. We will deliver a better deal for farmers by ending the dominance of food processors in agriculture.
We will deliver urgent changes to mental health services with early intervention and respite programs. Through limited public-private partnerships, we will significantly reduce waiting lists.
We will reduce the climate burden on the Irish taxpayer. We support a fair and just transition that is pro-people, pro-business, and pro-environment but also grounded in common sense and practical solutions.
“The party whip system has stifled debate and diversity of opinion within our parliament for far too long.
Independent Ireland will not operate a strict party whip system and our candidates will be free to speak and vote on key issues that matter most to their constituents. We stand for dialogue over division, respectful debate and free expression is a cornerstone of democracy that must be upheld.”
Our Vision For A Better Future
Our vision is to deliver real change and to implement the reform we need to help build a better future for the people of Ireland. Our priority is to deliver solutions and improve the lives of the people of Ireland. Our candidates will not be controlled by a strict party whip system. We encourage diversity of opinion and respectful debate while working towards our common goal of delivering the comprehensive reform we need.

Mission Statement
A new era of reform, accountability and local democracy.
Independent Ireland is a party that values integrity, transparency, accountability and a common sense approach. We will work to rebuild trust with the electorate and reform our overcentralised and bureaucratic decision-making processes.
Politics should be a force for good, reflecting the realities of everyday life and promoting active citizenship.
Our engagement is characterised by respect for different viewpoints understanding that progress stems from dialogue, not division.
Independent Ireland will select candidates who represent their communities in rural and urban Ireland while defending the individual freedoms and fundamental rights of all citizens.
Independent Ireland is here to offer practical, workable and realistic solutions.
The Clear Choice for Real Change

Join Independent Ireland
By joining Independent Ireland you can help us to build a party of real change for the benefit of the people of Ireland. Join us today to help support our vision for a better future for us all.
Make a donation to Independent Ireland to help us to build a party for real change. You can donate as little or as much as you can afford to support new candidates seeking election across Ireland.

Run For Independent Ireland
If you are interested in running for Independent Ireland in upcoming elections. Register your interest and a member of our team will contact you to discuss running for the party that is putting the interests of the people of Ireland first.